The Museum of Black Superheroes began as just a figure of Shaft that I kept on my desk at work. I came to realize that there were relatively few black superheroes that were actually made into action figures. I began to collect as many of them as I could. Fittingly, I officially opened the “museum” on Inauguration Day in 2009, but now I think it’s time to post it here as well.
Black Lightning, Storm, Obama by Alex Ross, Black Panther, Green Lantern John Stewart, Mister Terrific, Vixen Steel2, Steel3, Bishop, Obama as jedi, Mace Windu, Mister-T, Sentinel, Cyborg, Patriot Mayweather from Enterprise, Uhura, Spawn, Capt Tyrell from STII:tWoK, Firestorm, Geordi Laforge, Falcon and Redwing, Cloak, Cmdr Sisko and Jake Luke Cage, Blade, Kendra from Buffy, Morpheus, Niobe, War Machine, Shaft